Female labrador

Offered by: Marcus


We are looking for a female Lab to come and join our family.
We live just out of Ballarat on 20 acres and currently have one 4 year old male Lab who is our best friend. However he would love the company of another dog ,and even though he loves us terribly he just wishes he could talk dog stuff with someone who understands him.

Our current dog spends his time helping to feed the horses, visiting friends and just doing dog stuff and at the end of the day loves nothing more than being able to have dinner and sleep in a warm house.

We are looking for a bitch who has not been de sexed as we would love the option of breeding a litter from her so we can keep a puppy (or 2) for the future so it is important that she is suitable for breeding therefore she must be registered.
We would like something around 2 years of age or older and colour is not really important.
A fantastic home is assured and much love will be given to her by both the humans and dog alike.

If you have a girl that is suitable that you would like to sell us or know of someone who's circumstances have changed and they can no longer look after their dog or you would like to ask us anything please contact Marcus
or e-mail
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